Profit -/- Non-Profit -/- Not for Profit

Why did Warren Buffett donate 30 billion US dollars to the Gates Foundation of all organizations? Just because the two billionaires are friends and Gates is a mentee of Buffett?

As many of you may know, I have studied Buffett's way of thinking and acting intensively. In WIN WIN AG's 15%+ investment course, we also show participants a letter that Buffett wrote to the Gates Foundation with conditions regarding his donation. It is not just a matter of friendship. Buffett donates as consistently as he invests. It is well-considered and he wants it to bring good results. He is simply convinced that the Gates Foundation is the best and most professional place to put his money.

He doesn't think non-profit. For a long time, I was a fan of charity and donated a lot to so-called non-profit organizations myself. But especially since my interview and conversations with Prof. Yunus (, my opinion has changed and my view has sharpened. Yunus is a strict opponent of non-profit organizations. He rejects the idea of simply donating to those in need without really helping them to help themselves. He finds this unworthy and ineffective. He has always used his activities and his knowledge to support Not for Profit.

What is the difference between non-profit and not for profit? A huge one! Non-profit means that the respective organization does not want to make a profit. If we go to the energetic level (law of attraction etc.) then we "order" that it doesn't matter how much money is generated, whether profit is made. In most cases, it is even desirable or legally required not to make a profit. What happens if it doesn't matter whether profit is made or not? If it doesn't matter, then it doesn't matter if there is no profit. If it doesn't matter whether there is profit or not, what is the regular consequence? No profit, bad management, abuse. If it is the same for managers and governments, if there are no consequences for them personally, whether the company grows sustainably, the country is highly indebted or not, it always leads to worse and worse results.

Yunus promotes Not for Profit. This means that every organization, even one that only wants to do good, should work profitably and see profitability as a clear task. The respective company has the task of working profitably, only the use of the profit makes the difference!

With Not for Profit, a profit is consistently used for the purpose of the company, for the actual purpose of the organization, the company. With For Profit, it is clear that this is a company (shareholder) that is geared towards profit. So there is a clear separation according to the purpose. Is it mainly for profit or for a specific purpose?

Yunus is in favor of this clear division.

Charity as marketing then falls away. We could clearly recognize what it is really about, what the real purpose of the respective company is. If we think this through consistently, then we could delineate what is not allowed for profit. We could have everything important and vital for people in need for profit ventures. Then there would be competition on how to make these services better and better for people. Everything that belongs more to the luxury sector could then be consistently visible as for profit.

The consistent pursuit of this idea can be continued into the private sphere.
If we deepen the concept of the life entrepreneur, then this means for each of us to determine just as clearly where, when and how much I work for profit and what is not for profit but still economical. There can then no longer be any indifference to how we use resources, for example.

Let us learn more and more to really see ourselves as life entrepreneurs. Life is an enterprise. And when we look at our life and our body, for example, we don't want it to get worse and worse. So we'd better not want to be the same in this respect.

Be "profitable" in everything you do.


Wolfgang Sonnenburg
winning for life


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