Winspiration - like a Valentine's Day

February 14, 2011

Dear reader,

Time and again we can observe that people,
who are born in the same city on the same day,
do not always have the same success later on.
In the western world today, we can even observe
that a growing number of children, although born in
relative prosperity, have lost the belief
that the future holds many opportunities for them.
This sad, frightening development must be stopped at all costs.

The well-known brain researcher at the University Hospital in Ulm
Prof. Spitzer put it in a nutshell: "If you ask a child in
Korea who is good at math, the
answer is the one who practices. If you ask in Europe, the
answer is the one who is gifted."

What are we actually teaching children and adults
? The news is increasingly overflowing
with negative news from politics and business
as well as human catastrophes such as car accidents, people running amok
and other bad news.
But the world is also full of good things, full of people,
who are committed and also full of success.
But where do we focus our attention in our daily lives and our

Since 2003, the idea has been around for a day, Winspiration Day,
to show that even hard fates can be turned into special
successes. That barriers can be overcome
and also that structural change offers great opportunities.
The previous Winspiration Days were always impressive days,
as the singer Joana Zimmer and the actress
Claudine Wilde put it:

As touching, inspiring, empowering and successful
the days were, we only reached the
people present at the event. Today's new
possibilities of social media platforms have given rise to the
vision of an international anniversary on which we all
spend a day focusing on our strengths, on the good and
positive, on our opportunities. Winspiration Day 2010 was broadcast live online at
was followed live from several countries.

At the age of 17, Florian Sitzmann lost both legs in a
motorcycle accident.
It seems almost ironic to be condemned to sit
with a name like that. But Florian Sitzmann shows us
that we are more than just a body. Today, he is a role model
for energy and joie de vivre and has expressed this in particular in his book
"Dem Leben Beine machen".
This will also be the motto of Winspiration Day 2011.

I am writing this letter to you today on Valentine's Day.
A day to understand what we should be thinking about today especially
. An international Winspiration Day will soon
be just as well known, and in families, schools, companies,
news channels, hotels etc. the day will not only be celebrated with
the greeting "Happy Winspiration Day", but
many examples will be lived of how beautiful and successful
life can be. And we will also focus on
that change can be beautiful and that evolution is nothing
else than development.

But unfortunately, I can no longer achieve the noble goal of placing an international day in the world
on my own.
Over the past few years, I have been able to organize the events
with the help of many dear people,
but I usually finance everything myself. However, to implement
the international idea, similar to Wikipedia,
needs a small team that can work all year round on the organization
and many local volunteers for the various
events. I am currently working on establishing a
foundation for this day and the Winspiration Award. And we
are now in the process of "finding" some main sponsors,
who can contribute financially, but above all who can also help spread the
idea internationally.

As long as the Foundation has not yet been established,
Win Win AG will continue to organize the
Winspiration Day as a main sponsor.

So today I am asking for your support for the
idea of this international positive focus day, the
Winspiration Day, which, if realized, will be a great benefit for all of us
and will help to make
the world, our world, a happier/more positive place
and help to constructively shape the future for US and OUR children.

Please take part. What will your contribution be? An activity,
active assistance or a financial contribution?
Please let me know how you would like to contribute

And please spread the word about the idea.
Click "like" on Facebook

Thank you and

Happy Winspiration Day,

Wolfgang Sonnenburg

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