In Berlin gab es Landtagswahlen, die FDP ist rausgeflogen und die Piraten haben das Parlament “geentert”.
In our Mastermind Brain Trust Continuum this month we have the topic of personal integration, authenticity. Here are two comments from our internal forum on this topic:
The FDP is losing because it is failing to come across as honest, credible and authentic. Loss of trust. I myself happened to experience something with this party. On the evening of the day when the coalition was sealed in Berlin, the FDP was celebrating in an Italian restaurant. I happened to pass by this restaurant and just wanted to go to the toilet. Then I noticed that it was a closed FDP event and the occasion. Well, I went to the toilet anyway (it was necessary) and squeezed my way through the people, rubbing my belly against the elected development aid minister and others. It was tight. But it allowed for a strong sense of empathy in the field. The celebration didn't feel like a reward for hard work, but a celebration of victory.
Da war mir schon klar, das dies “energetisch” in die Hose geht. Und die folgende Politik hat es ja gezeigt.
Nun kommen die Piraten, die Medien nutzen ein Wortspiel: “geentert”. Geentert ist aber nicht ganz so fein, nicht ganz legal… Man mag sie nicht die “Systemfeinde”.
But these young people were elected in a democratic election. And why? Mostly because they want more transparency and authenticity. Their being has led to more success than their doing. Now they have to do something about it.
With its actions, the FDP has helped to ensure that Germany is doing well economically. However, their being has kicked them out of parliament.
The citizens feel more than the party people think. And I am delighted that a young generation is ready to take responsibility for its own destiny.
In Deutschland wird nun diskutiert, ob dies nur ein “Protestergebnis” ist. Wohl nicht. Aber selbst wenn, dann führt hier Protest zu eigenverantwortlichem Handeln, und das ist gut so!
Sunny greetings from Zurich.
Wolfgang Sonnenburg
winning for life
2. note
Topic of the month September:
Here we want to make sure that we are an integrated person, a person of integrity. In sub-personality language, we say that we play different roles professionally and privately, but that we are not different personalities. That we do not live different values and virtues in our different roles.
Als Beispiel können wir Politiker nehmen, bei denen sich immer mehr herausbildet, dass sie im Beruf oft andere Werte leben und verkörpern, als im Privatbereich. Aber in der Wirtschaft gibt es dies natürlich auch reichlich. Bei einer Trennung der Werte folgt immer eine Ablösung vom “Ganzen”. Wirtschaft, Politik sollte doch immer Sinn machen für das Zusammenleben von Menschen, für deren Weiterentwicklung. Deshalb sagen wir auch “Winning For Life” und nicht allein winning in life.
This means that we can and must be real. People who identify too much with their ideal often feel the need to present themselves better in public than they or the results of their work really are. In private, they often feel inferior and dejected because they are aware of the discrepancy.
It is a law of nature that if you raise something somewhere, you have to lower something else or someone else to compensate energetically. So, if you elevate yourself in public, you will usually make yourself smaller in private (perhaps only inwardly).
You can do marketing, you can present something well, present your company better than it already is (fake it until you make it), but that is energetically different. Then you're not fooling yourself, it's more of an affirmation, you're not exalting yourself.
It is a small but energetically very significant difference. But be careful here too, it is on the borderline and people can already notice that the words do not correspond exactly to what they actually mean. And it's the effect that counts. But also the effect on ourselves!
winning for life