Does learning make you stupid?

School makes you stupid!

Or rather, the way
is taught at school today.
We used to say - no wonder - teachers go to school,
then to university and then back to school.
How are they supposed to know anything about life and have learned creativity and

And the legislator changes nothing! Hardly possible, because as the saying goes:
"Parliament is sometimes full, sometimes empty - but always full of teachers!"

Over 50% civil servants in the German Bundestag. What kind of creativity
and future constructiveness is supposed to come out of that?

Moreover, education is a matter for the federal states and therefore an eternal
political compromise.

Learning is different from working through a study plan and retaining information
for a class test.

As is so often the case, we need a completely different "mindset"!
If we want to be sustainable in the German-speaking world,
then we know that the "most important raw material" we have,
is in our heads! How good and how creative we are!

We know from brain research that the first three years of a young
person's life are fundamental for the development of the brain. For this reason,
the best of the best teachers should go to kindergarten and kindergarten
should be "admission-free"!
We should give children's (brain) developers the highest social

And we should be aware that children's education cannot simply be delegated to
Parents still have the greatest responsibility.

We can often balance out everything we think is wrong with the system in our private

If, as I so often say, the quality of the questions determines the quality of the answers
, then we can ask ourselves again and again,
what questions do I teach our children.

Just as the mother of a Nobel Prize winner always asked her son,
when he came home from school:
"Did you ask a good question today?"

What questions do you ask yourself and the kids around you?


Wolfgang Sonnenburg
winning for life

P.S. An interesting discussion on the subject of education and schools - finally also on
public television:

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