Heaven and hell

As I have often argued that our personal existence is strongly linked to who we surround ourselves with, I would like to emphasize today that we ourselves always have the greatest influence on us. This is true at least from the age at which our ability to think is developed and we "actually" have the ability to determine what we think ourselves. "Actually" because we are not made aware that from the age of 6 we basically have the ability to reject ideas that come from outside.
Let's realize who talks to us the most? Exactly, ourselves. We are constantly talking to ourselves! Around 60,000 thoughts, self-talks every day! What are we saying to ourselves? The majority of people have predominantly negative thoughts. Has it ever happened to you that you say to yourself "I'm an idiot" when something has gone wrong? It is estimated that about 30% of our "self-talk" is conscious and 70%, more than twice as much, is unconscious. All these words, thoughts, ideas and statements are at the same time programming. Self-programming.
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trivially advocating positive thinking here. It's not simply about seeing the world in a rosy light. It's all about recognizing with more awareness what we are doing to ourselves. Take a close look at yourself. Observe your thoughts more consciously than usual for a day and pay attention to how you talk to yourself, what you say about yourself. Most people talk to themselves worse than they would allow their best friend to. Honestly, wouldn't you feel like (maybe you even would) punching someone who says as many negative and bad things about you as you do in the F.....? Why do you say it like that? Simple habit! Become mindful and change it. J.K. Rowling ("mother" of Harry Potter) put it so well in a speech at Harvard University: "There is an expire date on blaming your parents!". There is an expiration date after which you can no longer blame your parents for your own thoughts!
Again, it's not about rosoraot! As described in more detail in my book "Millionaire Spirit" (amazon reviews http://bit.ly/bXsGT4), it is precisely about taking a close look at the facts. Even the hard and unpleasant facts, including your own mistakes. But this has nothing to do with speaking badly to ourselves! As Demartini says: "Whatever you have done or not done, you are worth loving!" Even from yourself. And it is so important to learn to speak well to yourself. Why? If there really is an afterlife, then it takes place in a realm, in dimensions that are different from those we experience now on the dual material plane. Here on planet Earth we have the opportunity to change our thoughts and opinions. We have a time delay between our thoughts and materialization. If there really is this afterlife, then it probably takes place in a realm where this delay does not exist. What we think and desire will be experienced at the same moment. No time delay for changing opinions and thoughts. This is heaven or hell. Everything we think is real for us at the same moment and we can no longer change it, can no longer get out of the dilemma. Forever.
It's better to start being more aware of ourselves today. The pessimist may be right in the end, but the optimist will have a better journey until then. So that's another reason why it's worth talking to yourself in a better, kinder, more loving way.
And in practical terms, if you are good to yourself, the chances of you solving any problems and obstacles that come your way are disproportionately higher. Authentic creativity is only possible in real flow. We are always good to ourselves. Be good to yourself and think and talk well about and with yourself.
Start with heaven on earth.

Wolfgang Sonnenburg
winning for life



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