Laws for sustainable impact to win customers!

The first impression? ©
Who wouldn't want more customers, more prospective customers or simply more guests at events?
Dear readers of this blog, The following is an email that I wrote in one of my business areas.
You may also find it useful:
Last night I had another Skype call with a client who wanted to know what she should say to get a better closing rate. Well, I get asked this so often, so I'd like to give a crucial tip here!
Studies say, and many of you know this, that after meeting someone, only 7% of the words "stick" after about 2 hours. Words only make up 7% of the lasting effect, even in presentations!
This means that over 90% of the effect is determined by posture, voice, energy, clothing, etc.
Isn't it interesting that I'm always asked what should I say? 
Why am I so often only asked about the 7% range? 
Classic school drama, we have to know the "right" answer, the right sentence.
We should focus much more on the 90% first:
  1. because as the saying goes, the first impression is the most important one.
  2. because good energy and good effects are very good for us.
  3. because we don't have to memorize much at all.
If we want to convince people to work with us, to buy from us, to go to an event with us, to form a team with us, then our overall impact is much more important than the content of the sentences!
Here is a video with Samy Molcho. Pay attention not so much to the words, but to the posture, especially that of Samy himself and see the difference in hand position, etc.:
It's not about tricks! As Samy says here, it's about more humanity and normality. Many people who memorize sentences become tense.
What is your energy like when you talk to someone about coming to the Kick Off?
Does your counterpart sense that you are excited and want to share something great?
During our conversation yesterday, it came out that the person I was talking to was putting herself under pressure because she wanted to advertise successfully.
What do you think you do when you put yourself under pressure?
What does the prospective customer feel, what is your effect?
Yes, I know, rhetorical question. But pay attention. Do you know the story of the woman who lived alone in a house and dreamed of a new relationship, but nothing worked out?
She had a double garage, a double bed, a large closet, a kitchen table for several people, etc.. But a new partner never "came". Well, she always parked in the middle of the garage, slept in the bed in the middle, had the closet full of her things and always set the table for one person. Subconsciously, she had set herself up for a life alone and so had the effect on the outside world.
Which of you would like a guest for the kick-off?
Which of you bought a guest card right away?
Yesterday in conversation it came out that I wasn't sure if anyone was coming, so I didn't buy a ticket straight away.
I asked if you would like to eat in a good restaurant for two next Sunday. Do you order a table for one or two people in the restaurant? What is your energy like when you order a table?
Get me right!
It's not about everyone just blindly buying guest cards. But if you really want to have a guest, it's about paying attention to your energy when you buy your card. What do you really believe in? If you don't really believe that someone will come along, why should the prospective guest believe in it? And if you have a ticket for a great concert, then you can more easily convey your enthusiasm for attending this concert and inspire someone!
People come along with you more easily if your impact is right!
Pay attention to your effect, to your intention!
Live enthusiastically and inspire those around you!
winning for life
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