Dealing with life - or dealing with life

Dear friends of purposeful living,

It's been a long time since I provided you with W-Insights. I had a lot to do and had taken on too many tasks myself, so the blog and newsletter fell by the wayside.

I'd rather have the whole world against me than my soulMany things have now been reorganized: Win-Win AG has moved its headquarters to my place of residence, the network has moved from Gibraltar to Switzerland and the office has been restructured. This means that my life can now take a more "orderly" course again. I have also submitted my new book to the publisher. It will be published on September 21, and you are welcome to pre-order it now: I'd rather have the whole world against me than my soul.

When I had taken on too much and wrote this book, my life seemed so paradoxical: I was writing about humility and meeting the soul ... and I was stressed myself! Then I remembered an experience:

When I moved to Gibraltar years ago, I was invited by my accountants as a VIP client to the 10th anniversary of their branch. I sat at a table with accountants from all over the world; the person sitting next to me was from New York. There were interesting guests and interesting conversations ... until a partner was mentioned who couldn't come because he had just had bypass surgery.

"His first?" someone asked. "I already have three bypasses!" And, hard to believe, a debate started about who had how many bypasses. The record at the table was 5 or 7.

There was a certain amount of pride, along the lines of: if you don't have one yet, you're not important enough. How frightening it was to see how life with "pride" - or more precisely arrogance - can throw you off course in terms of your soul and health!

The word bypass made it clear to me: you need it to survive, because it helps to bypass a problem. But the problem has usually arisen because you have bypassed life!

We usually don't realize this paradox because we like to focus on one side of the coin. However, the law of polarity states very clearly that there is no top without a bottom, no good without bad, no strength without weakness. It is important for us to be able to see both polarities. Only then can we really make a conscious and clear decision.

I am currently seeing a lot of people who want to make a quick buck with internet games (casino, advertising clicks, etc.). It is interesting to see and read that they only talk about how to "make money". Adding value or creating benefits? Not a thing.

If we are so dominated by the outside and only see one pole, we don't recognize the disadvantages - or we suppress them. But our lives should be shaped from the inside out. The soul should express itself through our body and our actions and thereby shape matter. And not the other way around, where matter (the "golden calf") determines us from the outside and then ignores our soul.

In my diagram of the Purpose Quadrants, these people are mostly in the lower right-hand area. And some of them even know that one of the known Top 5 Regrets of the Dying is just running after money. And still remain "stuck" in this quadrant.

In the end, it is only fear, unused creativity and the lack of courage to live one's true self and to allow the deep belief that there is just as much money and luxury in the upper right quadrant without having to ignore the soul.

It takes practice to see what we were previously unable to see, and according to the 7-point success program, it first requires a corresponding decision, but more on this in the next newsletter.
For today, I wish you all a good, deep connection with your soul - a life from the inside out. It's not about finding ourselves, but about shaping ourselves and therefore the world.

ps. Training to live in the upper right quadrant is available here: Full life - full success

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