Unconditional basic income = unconditional laziness?

Dear readers of this blog,
with the "Rest of the Worlds and the British Version" from May 16th 
I had already announced that I would write something on the subject of 
wanted to write "Unconditional basic income".
Here are some thoughts that have come to mind in the public 
discussion on the topic is always missing. To avoid misunderstandings 
to avoid, the "profitability" of the idea is not so 
very much my topic. From a purely mathematical point of view, it can even be 
Reduction of social welfare bureaucracy to give monetary advantages. 
I don't see it as realistic at the moment anyway, 
during structural change, financial crisis, high 
over-indebtedness that the state dares to build a new 
model, in which it is initially again 
many new unemployed, because where would 
the "bureaucrats" who are freed up, if not 
into unemployment? And it could also lead to 
new "racism", because who is allowed to use this 
receive non-labor income? All emigrants
 - without exception?
But my actual substantive discussion 
should take place on a deeper level. 
Why should we have something like the unconditional 
basic services, because do you want to?
In most constitutions of the western world 
the dignity of the human being 
is untouchable". And that's probably why people discuss it,
 It is undignified to carry out activities that one cannot 
would like to. But who forces you? When they say 
(take a look at the comments on You Tube) then 
could I finally do what I really want to do, ask 
Me: Then why not do what you want right now?
I can't, I have to earn money, is the answer. 
Does that mean what "we" actually want to do? 
will not bring in any money? How should then in the long run 
a system can be financed, 
when nobody wants to earn money? 
But if you can earn money with it, 
what you want, why not go for it right away?
Please understand me correctly, a company that says, 
we support every person without exception to your purpose 
(Bestimmung-Einzigartigkeit) zu folgen, entspricht auch 
my dream. But I don't think it's about the 
introduction of "unconditional maintenance", 
but, if at all, only with a social
Consensus on values, training and "control" 
of the values. What do I mean by that?
Well, in a way, we have already worked on many 
Jobs unconditional income. What we 
Social assistance is unconditional in this respect, 
than we demand nothing in return. But there are 
emotions, even in public, time and again 
high when it is discussed whether recipients of 
Enlist support for work for the common good 
is allowed. We do not dare to ask for anything in return, 
so it is already "unconditional" income. 
What have we gained from this?
I once started the Winspiration Day initiative, 
because there are over 2 million children in Germany who 
grow up in families living on social welfare. 
Are these children so encouraged by the state money? 
to be able to do what corresponds to your purpose? 
Probably the opposite. In Germany, people are discussing 
also whether child benefit should be issued as vouchers, 
because the majority of parents might drink it away. 
But we also have problems on the "prosperity side" with 
dealing with "unemployed income". Around 80% of 
Lottery millionaires are worse off economically after 2 years 
than before the gain. Transferred and inherited assets are 
in the third generation is consumed by approx. 90%, 
"The father creates, the son receives, the grandson disintegrates" 
as the saying goes.
Karl-Heinz Böhm describes in the book of his story about 
his relief efforts for Africa that it took 20 years, 
It took a generation for people to understand that wells 
don't have to get bogged down, but that you can do something yourself 
can and must be used to ensure that they remain functional. 
Prof. Muhammad Yunus told me in a conversation that he 
is against an unconditional basic income. Read more 
the story of his success story and you will understand. 
He has helped millions of people out of poverty, especially 
by demanding and encouraging, by "forcing" 
Work. Based on successful self-employment 
the new dignity of the "mini-credit recipients".
Mrs. Erna Riegel, she spoke at the Winspiration-Day 2006 
on the subject of school can succeed, has published in her eponymous 
book describes the "conditions" that were created, 
to support the children. The children even had to leave school 
clean it yourself. These students were the best in Germany 
according to the Pisa study and happy. That reminds me of wisdom: 
"Hauling water before enlightenment - after enlightenment 
Dragging water." So, if the idea of unconditional 
basic income is no longer having to carry water, 
then it goes wrong.
If it is to lead to us having a new awareness 
hauling water, I'm all for it. 
But what kind of "system" do we then have to create in order to 
have a chance? How do children grow up so that they 
values. We need a different 
Education in addition. It only makes sense in terms of evolution, 
when freedom takes us from the struggle for survival to a new 
level of awareness and ability. And this lacks 
support system at the moment. So you can in 
Germany is recording that there are more social cases 
after the introduction of social assistance than before its introduction. 
And in terms of job placement, there are now "job centers" 
(Job = just over broke). Nothing about profession and vocation 
feel. In a society in which the middle class is disappearing, 
two camps are also forming in the area of education. 
The highly educated and the less educated.
This is a problem for society as a whole. The introduction 
of free television, Wikipedia etc. has not helped either. 
has led to an increase in the level of education. 
We need more joy in learning and active implementation 
of what we have learned, otherwise we get the problem as in 
"The British Version" in the blog from May 16. 
If we only use the basic income as compensation for the 
want to have "self-service" from the superiors, then it helps 
doesn't help us either. But it's not just those at the top, 
who help themselves. 40 years ago I made a 
Internship at Siemens. There was a time clock for monitoring. 
Everyone was already primped and groomed and waiting, 
that they were finally allowed to stamp. This was stealing time. 
Where is a pencil etc. taken from the company? 
So our inner attitude is decisive in determining whether a 
unconditional income makes sense. If we make it ri
we could lead to new forms of life and 
levels of performance. If we do not raise our awareness 
change, we would then completely ruin the state.
From "nothing comes from nothing", as the saying goes. 
Only if we are prepared to commit ourselves 
to develop further, it can work. So a bit of Kennedy:
"Don't always just ask what the country can do for you, but 
what can I do for the country".  
The same applies above and below, inside and out.
So first of all, we need a new vision for the 
western world, a new definition of values and the 
appropriate training.
Everyone can start at home in their own family - with themselves.
Wolfgang Sonnenburg
winning for life
P.S. There was a small fishing fleet south of San Francisco. 
After the catch, the fish were immediately taken on board 
and pelicans were delighted with the 
Generations over the offal thrown into the water.  
After many years, this fishery had to be 
be discontinued for cost reasons. 
How did the pelicans behave? They were in danger of starving. 
They had not learned to fish.  
After much discussion about whether they should be fed, 
pelicans were selected from other regions, 
who were used to fishing, fetching and settling there. 
So the pelicans all learned to fish again and became 
saved. Helping people to help themselves!
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