"Authentic turn of the year" and free downloads

What would a 2011 - in "authentic living"
- be like without any fear?

Dear friends of WIN WIN AG,

Christmas is already over and
is only a few days away from 2011.

At the beginning of this year, I wrote in a newsletter,
that 2010 will be a balancing act. Will we "drown" in
demonstrations or will we overcome the effects
of the crisis in a positive way? And I suggested,
that no one expected the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 at the time
and that more positive things happened than most of the media predicted.

In our investment course, we repeatedly emphasized throughout
2010 that the
economy was doing much better than most people believed and that
share prices would rise sharply in 2010.

We are doubly pleased that we were right.
On the one hand, of course, we are delighted that our forecast
was correct, but on the other hand, of course,
that the gloomy pictures did not materialize.

As someone who has always been critical of
in recent years, I hope that today
I don't get the reputation of ignoring problems in the world,
if, at the turn of the year, I want to make a consistent reference from the outside
to the inside.

New Year's resolutions are usually made at
Ideas, plans and goals for the coming year.

Have you already? Will you?

Do it, - but - please try this time
- to recognize your real dreams and wishes.

When we are born, we enter a world full of
rules, laws and beliefs of our ancestors.
Depending on which country we are born in, we
learn a different language, grow up with a different religion, etc..

Hardly anything that we really choose for ourselves. Aren't we
humans trained in almost the same way as an animal?
Good behavior - reward; bad behavior - punishment.
And evil is anything that goes against the system. My father
recently asked me, what does God really want?
The Christians say you have to take your hat off when you go
to church. The Jews say you have to cover your head
and the Muslims say it's important to take off your shoes
. Can't God decide what he wants?

Depending on which religion we are born into,
we will "fight" for hats on or hats off. How many of these
rules are there in your life?
Not just the religious ones, but also general beliefs
about success, what you are allowed to do, what you are not allowed to do, etc.
What fears, what feelings of guilt determine your life in the
many small daily decisions?

I once called it authentic thinking, thinking
what I really want to think. Can I question
what I think?

Only authentic thinking can lead to an authentic
life and when we talk about work or business,
only then can an authentic business emerge,
if we are prepared to think authentically.

So, what beliefs,
"commands" underlie your annual planning?

Here is an excerpt from the book
"The Four Promises" by Don Miguel Ruiz:

"Imagine that you have permission to be
happy and really enjoy your life.
Your existence is free from conflict with yourself and others.
You know what you want and what you don't want, when you want it.
You are free to change your life the way you really want it.
Imagine living a life without fear of being judged
by others. You no longer base your behavior
on what others might think of you.
Imagine living your life without fear of taking
a risk and exploring life. You are
not afraid of losing anything. You are not afraid of being
alive and you are not afraid of death.
Imagine that you love yourself
as you are. You love your body just as it is,
and you love your feelings just as they are.
You know that you are perfect just as you are."

If you are free from fear and dare to think freely,
what "resolutions" will you choose for 2011?
What are your dreams and goals for 2011?

You are welcome to use the free downloads
90-day planner / money map on our website www.win-win.ag
for your annual planning. If you are still missing your dreams and goals,
then take the free email course
, even if you want to repeat it: www.traeume-ziele-wirklichkeit.de

Please make sure that your goals really
spring from your very own dreams.
Hence another sentence from Don Miguel Ruiz:
"If you look at your life, you will find many
excuses for your suffering, but you will look in vain for a good reason

Christmas should still ring in our ears:
Rejoice in life!

I hope that you have "planned" a lot of it for 2011!

I sincerely wish you a joyful and meaningful 2011

Wolfgang Sonnenburg

winning for life

Winspiration Day is on May 7!

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