Amateur or professional, a difference

Are there visible differences between an amateur and a highly paid professional?

In gewisser Weise wird dies immer von mir abgefragt, wenn ich nach dem “Geheimnis” meines Erfolges gefragt werde. Es gibt kein Geheimnis, es gibt vielleicht etwas was die Fragenden nicht sehen, auch wenn es offensichtlich ist. Aber man sieht ja bekanntermaßen nur das, was man entsprechend seinen Glaubenssätzen sehen kann. So bleibt überdurchschnittlicher Erfolg für viele dennoch ein offenes Geheimnis.

Einer der sichtbarsten Unterschiede zwischen Amateur und Profi ist die Häufigkeit ihrer “Aktionen”. Ich meine nicht das Training. Ich meine nicht die berühmten 10.000 Stunden, die die Toperfolgreichen geübt haben.

In your work, I mean the naturalness oftaking more than one shot. The naturalness of not wanting to achieve everything with one shot.

How does an amateur position the ball for the shot, for example the penalty kick,
? How many photos does the star photographer plan to take with his model?

The professional photographer naturally takes a lot of photos. Lots of clicks and then picks out the best shot. The StarKicker shoots at goal from every position and misses more often than he gets in during a match.

The amateur usually has the ambition to get everything right with one shot.
Set up the camera for a long time so that the photo is brilliant. Put the ball down carefully, preferably with everyone else making room, the amateur wants to shoot.

A simple visible difference. But in conversations I realize that this secret is usually overlooked. The professionals are prepared to take an infinite number of photos that are not used. They are prepared to miss the goal more often than they score in front of thousands of people.

Isn't it paradoxical that those who are prepared to miss more often and also miss more often get the million-dollar salaries, while those who want to do everything right the first time go away almost empty-handed?

There is a simple visible difference between amateur and professional.
So obvious that most people can't see the wood for the trees.

Take a close look and be prepared to try out many things in your area.
You can't plan what the best shot will be. You can't plan exactly when the goal will be scored.

However, you can plan to act like a pro again and again, do your best and take lots of shots. Then enough will go in the goal!

Happy Goal-Achieving!

Yours sincerely

Wolfgang Sonnenburg

winning for life

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