What do you know? The decline of the third generation

Interesting question: What do I know and what should I know?

Do you know the:
The father creates it - The son receives it - It falls apart with the grandson?

Why is it always the case that transferred companies and inherited
assets are 90% used up by the third generation?
You could also say that they are destroyed.
Why is there hardly any state on this earth whose rise
continues over several generations? Time and again,
fortunes collapse, companies go under and the importance
of states shifts. Is it a law of nature?
Just as there are seasons, ice ages and global warming?

Oder gibt es eine Chance, den Niedergang der dritten Generation
zu verhindern? Radio Eriwan würde antworten: “Im Prinzip ja, aber….”

Well, exceptions prove every rule and we also find
family assets and companies that continue to exist and prosper for generations
. What else is done there?

Nun, machen wir es simple, eine Generation entspricht ca. einem
Zeitraum von 20 Jahren. Wir sehen es in Deutschland,
3. Generation = 60 Jahre und es zerfällt?! Nun die Republik
zerfällt nicht, aber Wohlstand. Anfangs gibt es immer eine
Aufbaugeneration, die anpackt und willentlich hart arbeitet,
um den Wohlstand zu schaffen. Dann kommt der zwar gut
gemeinte Gedanke, aber ein folgenreicher Fehler, “unsere
Kinder sollen es mal besser” haben. Man bringt den Kindern
nicht mehr bei, wie man aufbaut!  Kinder, die schon in
gewissem Wohlstand aufwachsen, beginnen die Maloche
der Eltern in Zweifel zu ziehen. Wozu das alles, es geht uns
doch gut? Die dritte Generation wird in noch größerem Luxus
geboren, hat oft Eltern, die die “Maloche” ablehnten und dann
am Ende ist keiner mehr gewohnt aufzubauen. Wenn dann
nach den “7 fetten Jahren” die 7 mageren Jahre kommen,
ist das Gejammer groß. Jetzt ist eigentlich wieder Aufbauarbeit
für einen neuen Wohlstandzyklus erforderlich. Aber was passiert
meist? Der noch vorhandene Wohlstand soll sozialisiert und
Besitzstand verteidigt werden.
Strukturwandel in der Wirtschaft in gesellschaftlichen Systemen
gibt es immer wieder. Die Geschichte wiederholt sich immer wieder.

Oh, now I wanted to tell you why some family assets
exist for generations. Because in these families, each new
generation is taught to build up. We know from the children of
Donald Trump, for example, that they only received 300 dollars
per month from their father during their studies.
If they wanted more, they had to work for it.

So, what do you need to know? Being an employee is riskier,
than being self-employed. Isn't it?
It's never the position that's risky, but whether I can master something,
what I can use profitably after there is a corresponding demand
Being an employee can be merely the legal form or also the
expression of a mentality. As a mentality, it means that I cannot
create work myself, I need an employer.
Being self-employed - an entrepreneur means that I can create jobs.
Unfortunately, the latter is not taught at school. In families,
where family wealth can be passed down through generations
, the ability to be self-employed is trained and developed.

So what should we know?
In times of structural change, it is always stark to see how some
have to make ends meet with 1 euro jobs and minimum wages,
while others train themselves to learn new knowledge for the next
upswing and throw old paradigms overboard
and discover completely new areas of business. As Prof. Dueck just wrote in a newsletter
: Even when
compulsory education was introduced, farmers fought against their children
going to school. The reason was that what they learn at school is not
useful in the fields. Nowadays,
hardly anyone works in the fields. Luckily, there was the idea of
learning something new.
Now many jobs are disappearing. But just like back then,
many still refuse to learn what needs to be learned now in order to be able to reap
the next upswing.

As a small consolation, whenever we are at the bottom, a new generation emerges
that learns to build. Then the cycle starts all over again with
the three generations.

This reminds us: stupid is he who does not learn from his mistakes; wise is
he who learns from his mistakes; wise is he who learns from the mistakes of others.

How about learning from the successes of others?
You don't have to go along with every decline, you can learn in good time
what is needed in the future.

Do you know what you need to know?

I wish you all the best and look forward to further success!

Wolfgang Sonnenburg

winning for life



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Ihre Aufzeichnung des Webinars
mit Wolfgang Sonnenburg vom 19. Dezember 2024

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  • Direct Path - Der direkte Weg für die höchstmögliche Geschwindigkeit, Ihrem Wahren Selbst zu folgen, sich führen zu lassen und Entscheidungen in Ihrem höchstmöglichen Interesse treffen zu können. Wir alle sind Energie und diese sucht sich naturgemäß immer den schnellsten und einfachsten Weg.
  • Was können Sie tun, um achtsamer zu sein?
  • Karma und wie es Ihnen gelingt, die Vergangenheit nicht mehr fortzuschreiben, sondern in die Frequenz Ihres gewünschten Ergebnisses zu gehen und diese zu leben.

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