Paradigm shift 2014

In the past few days, I posted a photo on Facebook of the Werfthalle in Göppingen, a large event location that can hold thousands of guests. That's where I'll be getting back into network marketing on April 5 and 6: with Nikken, the company I've been associated with for 17 years.

In 1997, after many years in legal and tax consultancy, many of my colleagues and friends were surprised that I gave up my company to start Nikken in Germany. Some time later , our great success proved us right, then some people understood my decision - and at the same time there were many envious people.

The past twelve years have been years of "beach testing" for me. I visited many beaches and tried out whether I could live on the beach and in the sun all year round. I lived in Gibraltar for twelve years in the best penthouse in Queensway Marina. But as nice as that was, after a few years of doing nothing, the gray matter became sluggish. So I started again with consulting activities, coaching and coach training at Win Win AG and, of course, expanded my own investments.

I stayed involved with Nikken for all those years, even though I was no longer working there as actively. During this time, many network companies and "consultants" approached me and wanted to poach me, as I had become the No. 1 in Europe at Nikken. I looked at some of these companies, but then came to the conclusion that Nikken was still the most coherent company for me: there is no hype, no promise of a "quick fix."

It is not a millionaire overnight network, and as I wrote in my book Millionaire Spirit, I argue in my coaching sessions that money should not be the main motive for an activity. Instead, money should serve your purpose, it should be the consequence. Network marketing in itself is neutral, but unfortunately it is often misused by people who are simply looking for people to make them rich. The opposite is true! With the principle "Pay it forward" we ask ourselves: Who can I teach and support to learn the profession of a networker?

But the following applies to all companies: nothing remains stable if it is not built on substance. Very few network companies provide qualified training, because good coaching is important for good training. So for me, this was an ideal combination that contributed to my decision to work more consistently in network marketing again, in a different way than many others, and therefore, according to my goal, better than many others.

On April 5 and 6, we are organizing a major event in the Werfthalle in Göppingen: Paradigm Change Day. Because if you want to move safely into the future in these times of structural change, you have to change your own paradigms and those of society: About the professional world, about health, about finance and also about networking itself.

Anyone who wants to can book the first day, on which topics such as Network or Nikken are in the background. It's about the social and economic paradigms that we all need to change. About what we still believe to be true, but which is no longer true, and about what we can all achieve. Top-class speakers will contribute to making the first day a wonderful event and seminar day for only 39 euros, including lunch, coffee break and seminar documents.

The second day will be about how we will work in the network in the future. This will also be about a paradigm shift, because the world of the network is also changing considerably. But that is precisely why I am so closely associated with Nikken: Because, similar to value investing, it does not aim for the "quick fix," the fast profit, but is built on stable values, and at the same time is flexible enough to adapt to a rapidly changing world.

As described in my book And the best is yet to come, it's all about making our world a better place and living a fulfilling life personally. Money is very important for this, but it's not everything: don't sell your soul for money!

To build a network in a world where there is no "quick fix", you need people who share a vision and are prepared to do honest work.

If you want to earn money quickly, you've come to the wrong place. But if you want to do solid work and have a great vision of creating a fulfilling life for yourself and others, if you want to work in a team that supports each other in order to grow on various levels, you are welcome to contact me or another Nikken partner. And maybe we'll see each other in Göppingen in April!

You can find more information and a booking form here: Or contact me directly: 0041-793108088 or

Yours sincerely
Wolfgang Sonnenburg

Success is also just a habit!

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