Market consensus creates the losers!
Are you in?
Since the masses of people are poor, unhappy and sick, what the masses think and do cannot be right!
Equal opportunities sounds good but is also a killer!
Since people are not all the same, equal treatment always leads to mediocrity (DIN standard apple; DIN standard human...) and from there to ruin.
Today's mediocrity is tomorrow's lower third.
Studies in the investment sector have shown that share prices always perform differently than predicted precisely when the market consensus moves towards 100%.
The old survival technique of hiding in the crowd is no longer profitable today.
When students in my youth turned against the "mustiness in the gowns", you had to wear jeans.
Woe betide you if you didn't wear jeans, then you weren't individual!
There was a new consensus straight away. And what happened to all the revolutionaries? Conformists.
In the animal and plant world, it is easier for us to perceive and take into account the differences.
If you ask an angler whether there is one method for catching all fish, he will answer in the negative.
Apart from explosives, it can only be done individually. Sometimes with a worm, sometimes a fly, above the water, in the water, still or moving, the bait has to be.
Will we give every plant the same amount of light, heat, water and fertilizer?
No, we know that different plants have different criteria for successful growth.
Why, then, should pupils be treated equally?
The same teacher and the same amount of water?
Market consensus creates losers.
Prof. Gunter Dueck therefore calls for the "species-appropriate attitude" of humans with profound humor
What is your uniqueness?
Are you prepared to go against the mainstream if it is not your style?
Do you have "The Courage to BE"?
Warren Buffett is the most successful investor of all time.
Are you learning from him (or our 15%+ Investing course -
or are you still learning from the many salaried bankers who also bought their house on credit?
Dr. Norman Walker wrote books on nutrition (his last at the age of 113) and was still fit at 100.
Are you following his example or the typical doctor whose life expectancy is half that?
Have the courage to be the real you you should be
Have the courage to do what you really should and want to do
Have the courage to have what you really want to have
Check it out:
WINNING SPIRIT - We are going for it.
Never again live the NORMALITY of others!
Live according to your nature!
Have a nice "species-appropriate" week!
Wolfgang Sonnenburg
be inspired to win