We were so upset that bankers were earning bonuses in the millions.
even if the annual result was in the red.
was in the past. Sustainability is now required for bonuses.
I am now having a crisis that this behavior has reached the highest levels.
has penetrated state offices. Or is it only now becoming visible?
As President of the Federal Republic, you can simply
resign from his job. And is then awarded the highest honors
adopted. The Federal President says just two hours ago
before the Chancellor's press conference:
"April Fool's Day, April Fool's Day, the week is going differently than you thought."
"April Fool's Day, April Fool's Day, the week is going differently than you thought."
The mayor of Bremen, who is now his "successor", finds out spontaneously:
"Pack in a jiffy, your weekly schedule no longer applies, your family
you won't see me this week, you're working in Berlin this week."
It's not just a political decision, he also took a very
directly into people's private lives. "With immediate effect".
Interesting also the sentence: " from MY AMT I want damage
turn away". Not from the office of your Federal President.
So throw in the towel without a transition period and then there's the
grand taps, farewell with the highest "honors" and
then he can wish for another song. Isn't that great? Where is that
the difference to the bankers, who still have to say goodbye to high
want severance pay. It's the same principle: it's up to me
"by contract"! Köhler now also gets a great pension
and no deduction.
And then there is Opel. After all, GM sold Germany last year
very snubbed when the company, after many rescue attempts and with
state loans a concept for the rescue with new
investors suddenly turned me down.
And then they come back this year and want state guarantees.
And no high-ranking state representative is going to say, "You should have thought of that!
should have thought about how to deal with us earlier."
If manners no longer play a role even at the highest level
play a role at the highest level, it is hardly surprising that this
becomes the general custom.
play a role at the highest level, it is hardly surprising that this
becomes the general custom.
And now to the politicians in general. They sometimes say
"You can't form a coalition with party xy, it's unconstitutional or
unconstitutional or does not stand on the ground of the constitution".
constitution". This is not just a statement about
a party, but a statement about citizens who have used their
democratic right to vote for a party that is registered for election.
"You can't form a coalition with party xy, it's unconstitutional or
unconstitutional or does not stand on the ground of the constitution".
constitution". This is not just a statement about
a party, but a statement about citizens who have used their
democratic right to vote for a party that is registered for election.
party. Sometimes I ask myself, why do they dare to
actually. They may say, "I don't like them, I
think they're incompetent",
think they're incompetent",
or something like that. But let's leave the basic law alone
times better away.
Or do I have to ask myself, are there any politicians left at all?
who stand on the ground of the Basic Law? What they all do for
sayings and how they treat each other, what they do for the
Departure of the Federal President on words had chosen.....
Doesn't it say in the Basic Law that human dignity is inviolable?
And what's more, they don't understand that we don't have a real financial crisis,
but "only" a major crisis of values, which is also affecting the financial sector!
Here once again the reference to the speech by Prof. Gunter Dueck,
who clearly explains why we have the crisis and why "our"
behavior is the basis for this:
(if you have the time, watch all 6 clips and
of course there will be more on the channel - if it does not appear right away,
because the channel has been updated, please have a look at the playlist
under Sonnenburg.TV).
because the channel has been updated, please have a look at the playlist
under Sonnenburg.TV).
Prof. Dueck was even awarded the Nobel Prize for the theory he explains here!
Once again, we can behave differently ourselves and have the courage
to cultivate different manners.
Just take the old wisdom to heart:
to cultivate different manners.
Just take the old wisdom to heart:
"If you want to change the country, you have to change the families,
If you want to change the families, you have to change yourself!"
With this in mind, I wish you all a particularly successful weekend!
Wolfgang Sonnenburg
winning for life