Money is never the real issue

"Money is never the issue!"

is one of many phrases from my friend friend Bob Proctor.
On a trip that also took me to Frankfurt Central Station, I was once again able to see this clearly confirmed.
The proof was right behind the main entrance on the right. In Frankfurt, a white line runs from the entrance door in the direction of the platforms. A café had placed a sign right on this walkway: Cafe to go 1 Euro. You couldn't miss this sign, you even had to be careful not to run into it. The photo above not only shows this sign, but also that there is no one in the store. I stood there for quite a while, nobody went in. Really nobody.

There is a Starbucks right next to this cheap offer. Now everyone knows that the coffee there is considerably more expensive. In Switzerland, a Venti Latte costs CHF 7.20, which is about 6 euros! Wouldn't you think that in these preached times of crisis, Starbucks would be empty and the coffee shop with the 1 euro coffee would be full?
Here in the photo you can see that the reality is different. At Starbucks, a queue of people wanting to order. We don't just buy coffee, we don't just want the product, we want more than just the product and we pay for it even in times of crisis.
In my consulting work, I see time and again how difficult it can be to show start-up entrepreneurs and long-established business people that it is actually easy to be successful. But that success is not simply about the price. I took the photos in the main hall of Frankfurt Central Station. Thousands of people pass by there every day. Who notices the difference? Who draws the right conclusions from it, who recognizes what makes success and that success can even have a higher margin. You don't have to like this or think it's right. But you should be able to recognize it and see once again how close success and failure are to each other. In the photo below, you can now clearly see that the two businesses really are right next to each other.
Money is not the main issue,
Money is not the main issue.
Wolfgang Sonnenburg
winning for life
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