Just big - or true market leader?

After the state examination, I focused my attention on building my business in the same way as I had seen at successful large law firms and other large companies. I focused a large part of my activities on outward appearance: just as I was guided by appearances, I tried to shape my outward appearance. (More on this in my article Self-Priority).

The result was a great building at the "right" address, directly on the Alster in Hamburg. An old building with designer furniture and a really serious concept, the combination of a law firm, tax and financial advisory company under one roof in order to be able to provide optimal advice for clients. But as is so often the case, this also proved to be the case: Well meant does not always mean well done.

Although we were able to solve almost everything for our clients under one roof, this meant that we often felt we had to do the same . And that wasn't always the best thing. In addition, the law firm and tax consultancy developed into profit centers because I had to appoint managing directors due to the growth - so there was competition between us. And although I knew that I wanted to implement an idea here, I had to realize that a lot of focus was lost in order to keep the façade, the exterior, always big and shiny. We were successful and had excellent clients, but I was still dissatisfied. Similar to the car story mentioned above, we weren't really getting to the heart of the matter.

What "market leader" really means

Back then, market leader was a word that I initially only associated with size: the company with the highest turnover in the country is the market leader. Quite simple, right? On closer inspection, however, there is much more to the word market leader: it doesn't just lead the way, it moves things forward. He leads something in a certain direction, and in business that has a lot to do with creativity and innovation. And a market leader can only exist if there are followers, so a company can only become the market leader if it has proven (perhaps over a long period of time) that "the market" and other companies actually follow it. Size alone does not mean market leadership, just as being a Goliath does not mean winning every battle. Especially in times of structural change, it is no longer enough to think only in terms of size: qualities such as adaptability and speed of response are much more important. A speedboat is more maneuverable than a large, cumbersome tanker.

Professors Renée Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim make it clear in their Blue Ocean Strategy concept that it's not just about size, because the more you spread out, the more your competitors will destroy each other. (This is the red ocean.) Bob Proctor also says ...

Competition is for amateurs; creation is for professionals

... or in short: beginners fight, professionals create.

Once I got rid of all my clutter on the Alster, I was able to focus much more on finding purpose and moving out of the red ocean and into the blue ocean. When you follow your purpose, you create a uniqueness that is hard to copy, and then you really have a chance of becoming a market leader.

Those who follow this path are on the safe side, because it brings so much security and stability for the future - regardless of the product. It is a very, very fulfilling task not just to make money, but to really make a difference in the world and make the lives of many people much more successful and fulfilling.

Two real market leaders

Kurt Maass - KAMA Real Estate

Kurt Maass - KAMA Real Estate S.L.

It is a particular pleasure for me to have numerous clients who are real market leaders or make a difference. One of them is Kurt Maass, who works at a very high level as a broker in the real estate market and brings people/companies together in a way that would not happen without him.
Of course, I particularly like the fact that you can see "The True Five" diagrams in Kurt's photo - they are the core of our consulting concepts. Kurt Maass reports that they continue to help him to align himself in a more targeted way and achieve greater inner freedom, higher productivity and creativity.

Katja Ohle - OHLE Infrared heaters

Katja Ohle - OHLE Infrarotheizungen - in front of my old office building, next to the company headquarters An der Alster 1

Another photo that I personally like very much is this one with the powerfully radiant lady in front of my former Hamburg office building on the Alster. It was a particular pleasure for me to have accompanied Katja and Christian Ohle in their consulting work. A few houses down the road, An der Alster 1, is now home to OHLE, a company that can truly be described as the market leader in Germany - they are not only leading the market (of infrared heaters), they are revolutionizing it.

Two places still available in 2017

I think everyone can understand how much pleasure it gives me as a mentor to receive feedback of this kind. It shows me that the work that was so valuable for me at the time also brings sustainable results for other people. Anyone who understands the focus on purpose also understands that it's not just about getting to the next level economically, but above all about combining personal growth with the growth of the company in such a way that creation is at the forefront.

As a purpose hacker, it's even more fun to work with people who have big plans and are ready to transform themselves. That's why I focus on working with - as the saying goes - high achievers, people who want to make something special happen.

This year, I am focusing on the launch of the Extraordinary Future Forum to show that the best is yet to come and that we can currently take advantage of enormous opportunities if only we are willing to kill beliefs and adopt new ways of thinking and behaving. For this reason, I can currently only accept two more personal mentoring clients, whom I support in prime coaching. If you are interested, please write to me directly at w.sonnenburg@win-win.ag.

I'm currently working from Barbados for two weeks and growing new synapses after an intensive brain training session by 40yearsofzen. This powerful method of shaping your own brain also makes it clear that the Extraordinary Future has already arrived in the present.

The question I have for you today is: Do you manage your business and shape the market and trends? Or do you just run your business in an environment that others shape? Leading first of all requires the decision to take on the responsibility of leadership. Often also a 180-degree turnaround internally. Only then does market leadership come, ideally through purpose.

Discover the purpose.
Define the vision.
Then make the huge material profit.

Discover your Purpose.
Define your vision.
Then make a hell of a lot of money.

Yours sincerely,
Wolfgang Sonnenburg

ps. If you are interested in one of the two prime coaching places, please write to me: w.sonnenburg@win-win.ag

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Self-Priority - Using the example of a car story
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