The misconception of xenophobia

A personal message.
Dear friends of the win-win idea,

I feel the need to say something clearly on this topic today because of the intense discussion about friendliness and hostility towards foreigners. For this reason, the announced statement on the subject of the decision will not be made until the next letter.

When the NSU debate in Germany was about discussions regarding right-wing extremist attacks, I was already very outraged at the superficial polarization at the time.

The essence of the actual topic is ignored due to a lack of reflection or a desire to polemicize. As there has probably been no positive development in this respect, we are now experiencing the same superficiality, if not mendacity, in connection with the refugees.

Eine meiner Grundthesen ist immer wieder, wenn die Axiome, auf denen wir unser Gedankengebäude aufbauen, falsch sind, dann ist alles was darauf aufbaut auch falsch bzw. steht auf falschen “Füßen”.

In connection with the NSU, it was said that we were blind to attacks on our constitution from the right because we only looked to the left. What a sentence, what a dangerous statement and consequence.
When it comes to protecting our constitution, it can't just be about left or right. It's not about any direction at all. The constitution must be protected! Period! And against every attack, including those from above, below, in front or behind! And attacks can also come from within.

Article 1 of the German Basic Law makes it clear that human dignity is inviolable!
Here is the wording of Article 1.1 and 1.2:

  1. Human dignity is inviolable. Respecting and protecting it is the duty of all state authorities.
  2. The German people are therefore committed to inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of every human community, of peace and of justice in the world.

And what discussions we are now experiencing. Germans against Germans who violated these basic rights. The mutual insults do not fit in with the aforementioned legal text.

Who do we want to be?
How do we want to be as human beings?
How do we want to live together in this world?

If we become clear about these basic axioms again, then all discussions will be different and not so superficial and not so damaging to rights and dignity.

Here, each of us is called upon to show a little more of the often-cited moral courage.
Simple logic should make it clear to everyone that if we ourselves do not behave as we would like paradise to be, then it simply cannot come or exist.

And so, in many public debates, I feel that many discussants here have once again found an outlet to point the finger at others, to shift blame, and so don't have to change anything about themselves.

Isn't it shameful how we react when a ZDF presenter is moved to tears because a bus driver welcomes foreigners on the bus. As pleasant as it is that Mr. Kleber shows the emotion, it is only going around the net like this because it is something special.

How do we want to live? Do we now delegate the natural kindness to the moderator? Do we then no longer need to do this ourselves?

What do we want the world to look like?
How do we want to live in this one world (there is no third)?

Then we have to organize it. To participate.
To occasionally remember that the refugees are coming because for a long time we didn't give a f... about how they were at home. We have contributed to the misery in the world being the way it is now.
Even if it's only because we looked the other way and didn't get involved.

What are we really, really concerned about?
What should we be concerned with if we don't want to betray Article 1 of the Basic Law?

If you say you don't like Article 1. Then campaign for it to be changed. In a democratic way. If you think you don't have to abide by this law, then you don't give a damn about democracy. And you are an enemy of the constitution and not the many people who are fleeing enemies of the constitution and are willing to learn, work, contribute to society and even secure future pensions in Germany.

If there is someone among Germans who attacks the constitution, the constitution must be protected from these Germans. And we the people. If there are foreigners or refugees who attack the constitution, we should defend ourselves. Because they are attacking the constitution and only because of that.

Article 1 of the Basic Law does not only say that the dignity of Germans is inviolable.
The dignity of man! Of every human being!

So können sich manche dann wohl nur gedanklich helfen, indem sie wieder “Untermenschen” erdenken. Das hatten wir schon mal. Und zeigt dann allenfalls, dass diese etwas in Zeit und Bewusstseinsentwicklung zurückgeblieben sind.

So, I had to get that off my chest, because I find it frightening that the media often fail to see or consistently address the real point, just to get more polarization and ratings?
That would also be abuse!

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