Our own sweat usually doesn't stink!

When I was a student - smoking was still allowed in restaurants at the time - I would sit with friends in our local pub at night and we could sit for hours in the fog, in the thick air, and not notice it. It was only when I went out into the fresh air that I noticed the difference. Sometimes it was really stark. When I wanted to go back into the room with my friends, it was like walking into a wall. Sometimes I was really irritated by this huge difference and could only wonder why I hadn't noticed it in the previous hours. That it not only didn't seem to bother me, but that the atmosphere was so great.

In the course of my curious life, I have attended many seminars. Also workshops and training sessions where, as they say, it got down to the nitty gritty. During many of these processes, people exhale heavily. Detoxify. And that can stink too. As long as we worked together in the seminar, we didn't notice the intense smell. We could even lie in each other 's arms without smelling it. But once you had left the room, it was almost impossible to get back in. In any case, it took a lot of effort.

Have you ever been served in a restaurant by a waiter who was sweating profusely or hadn't washed his "nylon" shirt and stank intensely when he passed the food to someone sitting next to you? Unpleasant, very unpleasant. Is the waiter that inconsiderate?

We have all had the experience of being in a situation that resembles one of these examples. While we are in it, whether as a student, seminar participant or waiter, we don't realize how it stinks. It's only when the difference is blatantly demonstrated to us that we realize it.

Sometimes it takes a loss to show us that we haven't appreciated something enough. Air is always around us - it is so natural that we hardly feel any gratitude for it.

Either way, once you're in it, you're often unaware of what's really there. "What does the fish know of the water in which it swims?" is a well-known question. If we don't know that we're in a prison, we can't escape. Or to put it another way, the happy slave will hardly stand up for his freedom because he does not know the difference.

Where do we accept our own current state? Do we accept it?

Shouldn't we regularly dare to question ourselves, i.e. our lives, our habits, our clothes, our homes, our relationships, our professional activities ? Not necessarily to change everything completely. But with a little more mindfulness, more appreciation or a little more fresh air, life can take on a much better quality.

In business, you tend to do this and constantly improve. Why not in so-called private life? Isn't it much more important there?

I wish you a breath of fresh air!

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