"Making life happen" Winspiration Day (registration now possible)

The 2011 motto of the international Winspiration Day is "Giving life a boost" and is the title of the book of the same name by Florian Sitzmann , who lost both legs in a motorcycle accident at the age of 17.

He embodies like no other that we humans are not just our bodies, but much more. With strength of will, he has become a competitive athlete, event organizer and motivational speaker.

It shows us that we could all make more of ourselves!

Winspiration Day is a day of strength, a day of positivity and a day that takes place everywhere on May 7. In Zurich there is a special award event with e.g.

Bob Proctor, known from the movie "The Secret".

He has come all the way from Canada to be in Zurich and show us future opportunities with his 2-hour workshop in English:

"Create your own Economy"

Dr. Jürgen Karsten, tax consultant and Managing Director of the ETL Group, will present highlights from his book "Denken wirkt".

Wolfgang Sonnenburg, member of the Board of Directors of Win Win AG, Senator in the Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade and author of "Millionaire Spirit" will present the KNACK points of sustainable success.

Hans Rudolf Herren, President of the Millennium Institute and founder and President of the Biovision Foundation and first Swiss winner of the World Food Prize, and

Regina Frey, biologist and President of the PanEco Foundation,

will show what we can do for the better and many other speakers, stakeholders and panelists.

So will opera singer Frederic de Jounge, who will once again reach our hearts with his singing.

A day full of reflection, joie de vivre, paradigm shifts and new beginnings!

Yes we Do!

We can shape the future more positively!

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